Shock Gems by SilkBalance

When itโ€™s time to shock your spa, our Shock Gems are the convenient solution because the tiny one-ounce pods are specially formulated to work in conjunction with the SilkBalance water conditioner. Weโ€™ve taken the hassle out of keeping your spa clean with this new, handy, non-chlorine chemical alternative that eliminates odors and reduces organic contaminants.

Simply toss these single-dose MPS shock gems in to the water after you have enjoyed your spa. You only need one gem for one-two people and two gems for three or more bathers. Because SilkBalance is not a sanitizer, you still need to oxidize any organic contaminants in the spa. These quick dissolving gems work quickly to remove unwanted waste such as body oil and perspiration and leaveโ€™s your spa ready for the next use.